'Pretty in Pink Eden®' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Huyustus
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Deep pink Large-Flowered Climber. Exhibition name: Margaret Mae
Deep pink, silver(y) reverse. Mild fragrance. 70 to 80 petals. Average diameter 3.5". Medium to large, very full (41+ petals), borne mostly solitary, globular bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Rounded buds.
Climbing. Semi-glossy, light green, dense foliage. 3 to 7 leaflets.
Height: up to 10' (up to 305cm). Width: up to 8'2" (up to 250cm).
European Union - Application No: 2015/1771 on 28 Jul 2015 United States - Patent No: PP 20,953 on 27 Apr 2010 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 12/584,855 on 14 Sep 2009 Inventors: Tomerlin; Reggie Joe (Los Angeles, CA)
The new variety of Rosa hybrida climbing shrub rose plant of the present invention was discovered during April, 2002 growing on a single specimen of the rose plant of the `Meiviolin` variety (U.S. Plant Pat. No. PP6,892). It was growing in my cultivated rose garden at Riverside, Calif., USA.
Named after the breeder's mother, Margaret Mae.