'HARbounty' rose References
Website/Catalog (11 Apr 2015) Includes photo(s). http://www.rosesnz.co.nz/pre-order-for-june-delivery/529-babe.html
Babe Shrublet - A massed, non-stop display of well formed, perfectly pink blooms on a low growing, incredibly disease resistant plant make this variety a first choice for front of the garden display. 80cm. International Name : Harbounty. Height : 80cm. Colour : Pink. NZ Plant Variety Rights Apply
Magazine (2014) Page(s) 40. Includes photo(s). Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2013-2014 Season. Shrubs. Babe Breeders code: Harbounty. Breeder: Harkness. Parentage: Unknown. Garden 8.3. Exhibition: 4.3. Health: 7.3. Fragrance: 2.5. Height: Short to medium. Availability: Matthews Nurseries Ltd. Matamata: Amazing candy pink, blooms cover the plant, eye catching in the garden., Manawatu: Masses of pink blooms, great garden rose, almost a pink version of 'Sparkler'.
Book (1997) Page(s) 136. Colin Horner, The 1996 Trial Ground Awards in Great Britain. HARbounty (1657) Shrub; bright red; bears clusters of very many double blooms; growth bushy, 2-4ft; nice dark foliage. Scent moderate. 'Sweet Magic' x unnamed seedling. Harkness, England. Trial Ground Certificate.