'The Ancient Mariner' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
29 OCT 20 by
I tried growing this rose in a 60l pot, since David Austin's website listed this one as ideal for pots and containers, but it clearly wasn't happy growing that way. I moved it to the main garden and it looks like it prefers that situation. Apart from that, it is a really garden-worthy plant. It is not one of the first varieties to start flowering in spring in my garden, but the first flush is beautiful and it repeats acceptably. Individuals blooms are large and have a consistently good shape; scent is not only strong, but also quite refined (the basis is myrrh, but with heavy sweet notes). My specimen is not mature yet, but it looks like it wants to be an upright shrub, about 150cm in height and quite as large. Disease resistance is excellent; in my garden blackspot is the main problem, but The Ancient Mariner hasn't shown any sign of it to the date.
It does take its time to show its potential (especially in bloom quality, quantity and fragrance), so if you are underwhelmed by its performance in its first season give it a couple more years and you will be rewarded.
Initial post
16 MAR 20 by
Available from - Heirloom Roses
Initial post
16 MAR 20 by
Available from - Heirloom Roses
While the name indeed seems random, the rose is beautiful, making a wonderfully full upright shrub just loaded with gorgeous blooms. A bit disappointed, however, that the fragrance, while very pleasant, is not as strong as advertised. Still, an extremely welcome addition to my garden.
I have found the scent gets stronger, and changes, with age... now after 4 years, it's quite wonderful.. a sweet scent with some musky elements... in early years I found it strange and spicy... almost coriander like...