Book (Mar 1999) Page(s) 25. Includes photo(s). Description and history. In the rose literature of the last century, Agathes were considered a distinct group or section within the Gallicas. Writing in 1846, the nurseryman William Prince cited the characterisitics of Agathes as "curled foliage, and pale colored, compact flowers, remarkable for their crowded petals." These roses, mentioned in Les Roses, were popularized in eighteenth-century France… over 160 of all the roses at Malmaison were Gallicas; of these, one-fourth were Agathes. By the beginning of our century, the number of Agathe roses … had increased to 63. Today only a few… remain.
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 299. At the end of the 18th century a variety called "Agaat Roos" existed in Holland : one finds it in the Catalogue des principaux arbres, arbrisseaux, arbustes...published by the nurseryman François, in Paris in 1790. It is probably extinct, unless it has changed its name, as with many Dutch varieties imported into France. ...Currently two nurseries...offer a "Agathe rose" in sale. ...However, the crimson bloom does not correspond to the description... Besides no public collection possesses this variety.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 4. Gallica, light pink, (R. gallica agatha); origin unknown. Flowers pale colors, very full, compact, outer petals spreading, inner ones concaved; foliage curled
Book (1993) Page(s) 6. The Agatha rose is dedicated to a Christian martyr, St. Agatha, a Sicilian virgin, born at Palermo, and put to death by Quintianus, Governor of Sicily in AD 251, because she rejected his advances. Her feast day is 5 February ... The Agatha rose is, or was, a large flowered rose, known in Provence about 1435. There are a number of varieties named in her honor ... Edward Bunyard mentioned the "Agathes" as smaller editions of the cabbage rose. The 'Agatha Incarnata', known to Philip Miller as Rosa incarnata, is neat, tidy and very sweetly scented.
Website/Catalog (1812) Page(s) 5. Rosa Damascena agate, Agat-Rose ....1 Fr.
Website/Catalog (1804) Page(s) 74. Agate
Book (1792) Page(s) 47. Rosiers Doubles Nouvelles Agaat Roos, Cr de Peche [Couleur de pêche - Peach-coloured], 1 Fl.
Website/Catalog (1790) Page(s) 14. Agaath Roos.... 1 Gulden
Website/Catalog (1788) Page(s) 21. Rosa...Agaat Roos...1 1/3 thlr. [Thaler]
Website/Catalog (1786) Page(s) 54. Rosa...(Agaat Roos)