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'Madame Berkeley' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 92-807
most recent 17 MAY 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 MAY 16 by Unregistered Guest
Available from - roses unlimited Phone #.864-682-7673
Discussion id : 88-193
most recent 8 DEC 15 SHOW ALL
Initial post 30 SEP 15 by Michael Garhart
I'm amazed it doesn't have any descendants. It looks really pretty and "fresh".
Reply #1 of 3 posted 30 SEP 15 by Patricia Routley
I feel sure that Hedgerow Rose's photo taken at Biltmore rose garden, 2015 is in fact "Mme. Berkeley in commerce as' which DOES NOT set hips. Apparently the original 'Mme. Berkeley' SET HIPS. HelpMefind has two separate files for these roses.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 30 SEP 15 by Michael Garhart
Interesting. Maybe some day they'll have tea roses that grow in our wet climate. Tea types are the hardest for me to ID or do lineages for, because of limited experience with them. They essentially "rot" into the ground here.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 8 DEC 15 by Hedgerow Rose
Thank you, Patricia! I didn't see that there were two listings for this rose when I uploaded the photo. Mistake corrected.
Discussion id : 87-952
most recent 20 SEP 15 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 SEP 15 by pnw_laurel
Available from - Rogue Valley Rose Nursery - selling & also part of 'free' rose offer
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