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'Bleu Magenta' rose References
Book  (2016)  Page(s) 32.  Includes photo(s).
'Bleu Magenta' syn.: 'Bleu Violette' (may have preference).  Breeder: Unknown, circa 1900.  Pepinieres Loubert's 2002 Catalogue lists the breeder as Van Houtte.  Parentage: Unknown.  Class: hybrid multiflora.   This is one of the "Blue Ramblers", none of which are truly blue although the colour usually seems to not be rose-like. It has medium-sized double crimson flowers, streaked here and there with white, changing progressively to purple and then to a grey violet-blue. There are few thorns. Mine grows to 12 to 15' (3 to 4 meters). 
Book  (2014)  Page(s) 203, 205(photo).  Includes photo(s).
Un rosier "Sans papiers", désigné par sa seule couleur, "Bleu magenta", a été trouvé à la roseraie de L'Haÿ-les-Roses. Son origine est donc inconnue. Probablement s'agit-il d'un Multiflore obtenu par le rosiériste d'Avranches Victor Lottin qui décrit ainsi un de ses nouveaux sarmenteux sous le nom de 'Madame E. Rocque' (1918): "Variété au coloris nouveau. Fleurs corymbifères très doubles, d'un remarquable bleu foncé violet, quelquefois striées d'une ligne blanche passant à l'épanouissement bleu améthyste clair; d'une grande durée, elles sont portées sur un pédoncule droit et long. Tiges rigides et vigoureuses atteignant 2 à 3 m au cours de l'année. Gracieux feuillage et bois vert tendre luisant" issu de 'Veilchenblau' (Mult) x 'Reine des Violettes' (HR). Cette description correspond très bien au rosier cultivé aujourd'hui sous le nom de "Bleu magenta".

Approximate translation:
A "Sans papiers" rosebush, designated by its only color, "Magenta blue", was found in the rose garden of L'Haÿ-les-Roses. Its origin is therefore unknown. Probably it is a Multiflore obtained by the rose grower of Avranches Victor Lottin who thus describes one of his new vines under the name of 'Madame E. Rocque' (1918): "Variety with a new color. Corymbiferous flowers very double, of a remarkable dark blue-violet, sometimes streaked with a white line passing to the light amethyst blue opening; of great duration, they are carried on a straight and long peduncle. Rigid and vigorous stems reaching 2 to 3 m throughout the year. Graceful foliage and shiny soft green wood" from 'Veilchenblau' (Mult) x 'Reine des Violettes' (HR). This description fits very well with the rose bush grown today under the name "Magenta Blue".
Magazine  (2010)  Page(s) 12. No. 39.  Includes photo(s).
Usually known as ‘Bleu Magenta’, this rose is thought to be ‘Mme. E. Rocques’ (Lottin, 1900).
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 187.  
'Bleu Magenta',HMult, origin, date and breeder unknown, 4 to 5 m. Non-recurrent.
Double, tolerates half-shade, hardy, medium humid soil, tolerates poor soil.
The flowers, in dense trusses, have the form of a pompon. They are of a rich purple-violet which unfortunately has the tendency to grey at the end of the blooming period. Some flowers have completely pink section, which seems to indicate that this is, in fact, a sport of a pink variety. The foliage, at times susceptible to mildew, is a nice vivid bright green. It decorates a plant full of vitality which flowers quite late.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 120.  
‘Bleu Magenta’: Il fleurit à la Roseraie de l’Haÿ et dans les vieux jardins campagnards, mais on ignore tout de ses origines… petits pompons bien peignés, rouge grenat violacé, puis mauves, puis gris acier, sont souvent griffés d’un peu de blanc. Au gré des jeux d’ombre et de lumière, elles se font rouge cramoisi, violet presque pur ou cerise… Inodores… petits bouquets inclinés, sur les rameaux minces de ce sarmenteux de taille modeste, au feuillage sombre et au bois presque sans épines. Vers 1900. RHS Award of Garden Merit 1994.

Approximate translation:
Bleu Magenta': It flowers in the Roseraie de l'Haÿ and in the old country gardens, but we don't know anything about its origins... small well-groomed pompoms, purplish garnet red, then mauve, then steel gray, are often scratched with a little white. Depending on the play of light and shadow, they turn crimson red, almost pure violet or cherry… Odorless… small slanting bouquets, on the slender branches of this modestly sized sarmenteuse, with dark foliage and almost thornless wood. Circa 1900. RHS Award of Garden Merit 1994
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 64.  
'Bleu Magenta' unknown French origin. Dark violet-red, passing to lighter tones, once-blooming, late-blooming, in clusters. Almost without prickles. Very long canes.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 54.  
Bleu Magenta Rambler, dark crimson-purple, Originator and date unknown. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 136.  Includes photo(s).
Bleu Magenta Polyantha rambler. Parentage unknown. Origin unknown, c. 1900. Description and cultivation... Produces clusters of small, rich purple flowers with muddled petals and golden stamens...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 147.  Includes photo(s).
A late-flowering Rambler with superb, dark purple flowers that fade to a deep mauvish-grey. Unknown origin, arrived 1910.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 88-89.  Includes photo(s).
Bleu Magenta A small-flowered rambler of unknown origin, but similar in many characters, especially the thornlessness, to 'Veilchenblau'. Growth up to 5 m. No scent. Once flowering, later than other purple ramblers, the flowers maturing to deep mauve and grey. Parentage not recorded.
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