'André Desportes' rose References
Book (2007) Page(s) 38. André Desportes (Standish & Noble, 1862). HP. Pink. Probably by Trouillard. André Desportes (Br. unk., 1876) HP. Varying red.
Book (1936) Page(s) 205. Desportes, André (HP) Standish 1862; pink. Desportes, André (HP) ? 1876; deep pink, shaded purple, large, double, fine form.
Magazine (13 May 1911) Page(s) 231. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... André Despartes [sic]... Hybrid Perpetual, Standish, 1862, Seedling Eugène Appert
Book (1899) Page(s) 11. André Desportes, HR, 1876, Rouge nuancé André Desportes, HR, Standish, 1862, rose
Book (1885) Page(s) 96, Vol 1. Hybride remontant. André Desporte [sic]. Fleur grande, bien bâtie, rose foncé, nuancé de pourpre.
Translation: Hybrid Perpetual. André Desporte [sic]. Large flower, well formed, deep rose with purple nuances.
Magazine (1 Oct 1881) Page(s) 151. Les Expositions de Roses, France Les variétés ci-dessous étaient remarquées pour leur forme parfaite et pour leur coloris. Alexandre de Humboldt, Madame Moreau, Monsieur Taillandier, André Desportes, Boule de Neige, Elisa Boelle, La France, Madame Lacharme, Cécile de Chabriant, Annie Wood, Marguerite Jamain, Comtesse Alph. de Sérénye, Madame Alfred de Rougemont, Madame Vidot et Madame Victor Verdier.
Website/Catalog (1880) Page(s) 231. Rosiers hybrides (remontants) 31 André Desportes.—Grande, pleine, imbriquée, beau rose.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 9. hybrid perpetual. André Desporte, deep pink, shaded purple, large, beautifully double.
Book (1874) Page(s) 111. NOMENCLATURE DES VARIÉTÉS MODERNES. Rosiers hybrides remontants. André Desportes, fleur moyenne, pleine, rouge brillant.
Magazine (22 Nov 1864) Page(s) 408. Trouillard. M. Trouillard is the foreman of the well-known nurseryman M. André Leroy, of Angers, and has been for many years known as a Rose raiser, although his flowers have generally come to us through Mr. Standish, of Ascot, who has purchased generally the stock, but finding, as I believe, that they were not generally up to the mark, he has given this up, and hence M. Trouillard comes out on his own account. His flowers generally want fullness of shape, and of those which Mr. Standish has let out belonging to him, there is hardly a flower, save Eugène Appert, that has risen to the position of a general favourite, and that sadly wants regularity of form, the outline being very imperfect, while André Desportes, Reynolds Hole, Madame Standish, Marguerite Appert, and others, must be numbered, I fear, amongst the things of the past.