'Clotilde Rolland' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 618. Roland, Clotilde (HP) Roland 1867; cherry-red, large, double, fine form.
Book (1906) Page(s) 35. 2.316 Clothilde Roland Hybride Remontant, Roland, 1867, cerise
Book (1902) Page(s) 137. Groupe L. — Hybrides Remontants (non classés) 4623. Clothilde Rolland... (Rolland 1867)... cerise.
Book (1892) Page(s) 84. Rosiers Hybrides Remontants. Clotilde Rolland. — Fleur grande, pleine, de belle forme, à coloris rouge cerise tendre.
Book (1885) Page(s) 34. TRIBE ROSEÆ. ROSA, Linn.; Rose. Garden Varieties— Clothilde Rolland; hybrid perpetual. Plant in Brisbane Botanic Garden.
Book (1885) Page(s) 211, Vol 1. Hybride remontant. Clotilde Rolland. Rolland 1868. Fleur grande, pleine, très bien faite; coloris rose cerise.
Translation: Hybrid Perpetual. Clotilde Rolland. Rolland 1868. Flower is large, full and shapely; color is cherry pink.
Website/Catalog (1885) Page(s) 67. Hybrid Perpetual Roses Clothilde Rolland Beautiful pale cherry rose, large, full, and of fine form
Book (1882) Page(s) 7. Clotilde Rolland... Variété à cultiver pour les Expositions de fleurs. Hybride Perpétuel. Rolland. 1867 Rose cerise. Fleur grande. Plante robuste.
Book (1882) Page(s) 215. 191. Clothilde Rolland. Hybrid Remontant. Rolland, 1867. Cherry-rose
Magazine (17 Apr 1880) Page(s) 346. Hardy Roses.—Mr. George Paul, in the “Rosarian's Year Book,” divides these into kinds which barely survived our late severe winters and those which remained good plants, the latter being as follows: [...] Caroline de Sansal, Clothilde Rolland, Jean Goujon, Madame Lacharme, Clémence Joigneaux, Madame Thérèse Levet, Marie Cirodde, Nardy Frères, and Vicomtesse de Vezins, are all kinds springing either from Jules Margottin or Triomphe de l'Exposition, and so are a vigorous, hardy race.