'Salmon Queen' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 592. Queen, Salmon (polyantha) den Ouden 1923; sport of Juliana; deep salmon-coloured, medium size, semi-double, lasting, cluster-flowered, floriferous, continuous bloom, few prickles, growth 4/10, short, 25 cm, hardy.
Website/Catalog (1929) Page(s) 45. Polyantha Roses Polyanthas are, perhaps the most truly everblooming of all Roses, being scarcely ever out of flower during the whole growing season... They are especially valuable for massing, edging, and to some extent for mingling with other flowers. Salmon Queen. (Wm. Cutbush & Son, 1923.) Rather large flowers of bright salmon-pink, verging almost to the tone called coral, borne with exceptional freedom in immense clusters by vigorous, bushy plants. Much on the Orleans type but the salmon tint is distinct and very beautiful. Branches which revert to Orleans should be rigorously cut out in order not to spoil its color effect.
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 27. Dwarf Polyantha Roses Salmon Queen A distinct and beautiful addition to the dwarf Polyanthas, the color being deep salmon.
Magazine (Oct 1927) Page(s) 89. Roses nouvelles de 1923.... Rosiers polyantha (multiflores nains) .... Salmon Queen (Wm. Culbush). - Fleur de coloris rose saumoné brillant. Fleurit en grands corymbes.
Website/Catalog (1926) Page(s) 31. New Roses for 1926. Salmon Queen (Dwf. Poly. Cutbush) Bright salmon pink; deeper than 'Princess Juliana'. 4/- each. So far the best salmon-coloured Polyantha rose.
Magazine (1925) Page(s) 248. Dwarf polyantha roses in pots, grown as bushes or standards, are very decorative and are profuse bloomers. A good exhibit of this type of rose was shown by Messrs. Cutbush and Sons, who included in their collection such varieties as Edith Cavell, Orange King, Salmon Queen, Orleans Rose and Tausendschon. Orange King is quite a break in colour, the pinkish orange flowers are small and very dainty. Salmon Queen is a paler shade; and Orleans Rose is of a similar colour but darker, and so lacks that softness in tint which adds to the beauty of Orange King.