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'Robert Scott' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 655.  
Scott, Robert (HT) Scott 1901 (E. G. Hill); Merv. de Lyon X B. Siebrecht (M. Grant); pale pink, outer petals flesh-pink, very large, 3/4-full, floriferous, repeats, growth 6/10.
Book  (1921)  Page(s) 187.  
Robert Scott, H. T. (Robert Scott & Son, 1901.) ..Merveille de Lyon X Mrs. W. J. Grant (Belle Siebrecht).
Magazine  (5 Aug 1911)  Page(s) 374.  
The Parentage of Roses.
The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it...
Robert Scott... Hybrid Tea, Scott, 1901, Merveille de Lyon X Mrs. W. J. Grant
(1908)  Page(s) 61.  
Hybrid Tea-scented Roses.
Robert Scott... robust, clear rosy pink, shaded to flesh, very large.
Booklet  (1904)  Page(s) 13.  
Robert Scott  (R. Scott & Sons 1901). Clear rosy-pink, shaded to flesh-colour on the outer petals; blooms of large size carried on stiff stems. Free. Exh. gdn. dec. 
Magazine  (1902)  Page(s) 205. Vol 18.  
The greatest trouble with this beautiful rose is that it will persist in producing buds on every shoot, no matter how small or weak it may be, and the only way to get a fair length of stem to the flowers is to pick off all the buds from the short stems and induce them to make a second growth from where the bud is pinched out. Robert Scott will be more appreciated as a perpetual summer blooming variety than for forcing in winter.
Magazine  (1901)  Page(s) 280. Vol 66.  
Among novelties, the most prominent, perhaps, was the rose Robert Scott, described as 'the ever-blooming hybrid perpetual.' Under glass, it is conceded to bear out this description; its behavior in the open ground is, as yet, merely a matter of hope and conjecture, but its appearance is of a rose capable of giving a good account of itself everywhere. A big vase of it was shown. The color is an exquisite shade of pink, its texture heavy, and its shape at times very beautiful, though it is of the shorter-petaled type, and does not exhibit the beauty of form of the urn-shaped sorts having great depth of bud and petal.
Website/Catalog  (1901)  Page(s) 5.  Includes photo(s).
New Roses for 1901.
Robert Scott. A seedling from Merveille de Lyon crossed with Belle Siebrecht retaining the size, form, color and growth of the Hybrid Perpetual with the everblooming qualities of the Tea Rose. This new rose is practically an everblooming hybrid, and the first of a type that will not only flower profusely during the spring and summer, but will flower during the winter. It has no tendency to go dormant during the winter, and every shoot has a flower bud. The habit of growth is strong and vigorous, with bright green foliage. The buds are of large size and are produced on stiff stems, with the heavy hybrid foliage almost up to the bud, like its parent Merveille de Lyon. The open flower is of immense size, very double, and is almost as beautiful as the half-expanded bud. The color is new in everblooming roses, and is only seen in the hybrid perpetual class- clear rosy pink, shading to flesh color on the outer petals. Robert Scott will not only be a very welcome addition to our small list of forcing roses, but is everybody's rose. Awarded honors wherever shown. Certificate of merit and silver medal by Pennsylvania Horticultural Society. Preliminary certificate of merit by American Rose Society. Certificate of merit in Ireland. See illustration, page 4.
We offer both grafted and own root plants for March and April delivery.
Magazine  (1901)  Page(s) 628.  
A smaller lot of the new hybrid tea, Robert Scott, also attracted attention, the specimens being good.
....E. G. Hill, of Richmond, Ind., was in town this week exploiting the new roses Queen of Edgely,-Marquise Litta and Robert Scott.
Magazine  (22 Dec 1897)  Page(s) 685.  
New Rose Robert Scott 
The new rose, Robert Scott, has created a favorable impression wherever seen. Its delicate pink color and large size render it attractive to every rose lover and flower buyer. This rose is a seedling from Merville de Lyon. Belle Siebrecht was the pollen parent. The oflspring combines the large size and form of the hybrid remontant, the seed parent, and the free and continuous flowering qualities of the pollen parent, which it will be remembered is a hybrid tea. I am not quite sure but am inclined to think that Liberty has some of the Belle Siebrecht blood in it. The color of Robert Scott is a very delicate pink, yet there is a brightness and freshness even in the full blown flowers that appeals to everyone. It looks very much like Baroness Rothschild in shape; the color may be a few shades darker than that well known hybrid perpetual, nearer possibly to the color of Mrs. John Laing or Mme. Gabriel Luizet. This point is difficult to determine, however, without having all the varieties named side by side for comparison. We will have to wait until spring time comes again before we can decide that point. It is a color, however, always in demand among roses and other cut flowers because ever popular. Out at the rose growing establishment of Robert Scott & Son, Sharon Hill, Pa., where this rose originated, same may be seen in fine shape. They have two large houses planted with it.each house containing 1250 plants or 2500 in all. This is an evidence of the faith this firm has in their new rose, which we believe is destined to become a standard winter blooming variety not soon to be displaced by anything superior to it in its line of color. 

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