'WEKfawibyblu' rose Reviews & Comments
It turns a very pretty light lavender blue in heat and full sun. It probably inherits that from its parents. It is faintly fragrant of wild rose. It's not anything amazing, but hybridizers will like it.
I saw it at the nursery in a tree rose. The best thing about it is the vibrant, electric, almost fluorescent color. I really like it. It had sprays of blooms. I would like to hear how well it performs.
Have it, like it. Have seen plants that have been growing several years, but mine is a yearling. Good healthy, well-growing plant, and it seems like it would make a nicely shaped tree rose with lots of sprays.
Thanks. There were tons of sprays on the tree-rose. I wonder how it will do when it gets hot. The flowers look good now as it's cool spring weather. And I wonder how they would do in a vase.
I have not grown it so I will not rate it but just make a comment. I'm seeing this rose being sold everywhere this year and my first impression is that it's just boring. Thought it was a knockout, nothing spectacular about it's color which was like a streaky pink. I was not able to detect any fragrance.