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"Nemo Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 96-208
most recent 7 DEC 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 5 DEC 16 by CybeRose
Budd & Hansen raised numerous hybrids between the Russian rugosas and garden roses. Those from 'Gen Jacqueminot' were particularly vigorous and desirable. This one seems to fit the descriptions of 'Nemo', such as they are. I hope I can find a picture of 'Nemo' to compare.

IAC Bulletin 32: 486-489 (1896)
Some of Our Advances in Breeding Fruits and Shrubs.

This is also a rampant grower, now four and one half feet in height. The thorns are stronger and more numerous than those of either parent. The leaves are larger, thicker, firmer, and more glossy than those of the parents, but are less rugose than those of the mother. This hybrid developed its first flowers June 21st, and has blossomed profusely up to the present time, September 5th, and still shows young blossom buds. The petals number about twenty‑five, peculiarly fragrant, and of the same brilliant crimson as the Gen. Jacquiminot. The profuse and continued blooming habit and vivid color of blossom make it very promising.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 5 DEC 16 by Patricia Routley
In 2005 Bill Grant sent me a photocopy of N. E. Hansen's Hardy Roses for South Dakota 1929 and I indexed it. 'Nemo' is not listed. Here is the index if it helps:

Agnes 7-5 16-8 32-7
Agnes Emily Carman 11-3
Alberic Barbier 32-2
Alika – (syn: gallica grandiflora) 14-2 14-5
Amdo 35-3
Amelie Gravereaux 13-1 47-4
American Beauty Cl. 7-5 28-3 28-4
American Pillar 28-2 47-5
Ames Rose 7-5
Arnoldiana 24-5
Baltimore Belle 29-3
Banshee 48-4
Belle Poitevine 7-5 11-7 15-5 47-3
Betty Bland 47-3 48-4
Blanc Double de Coubert 22-2
Burnett 48-4
Conrad Ferdinand Meyer 7-5 15-6 47-4
Crimson Globe 47-5
Dr. E. M. Mills 47-4
Edwin Lonsdale 28-4
Ekta 35-4
Emily Carman 7-5
F. J. Grootendorst 7-5 12-3 16-5 30-4 31-2 47-4
General Jacqueminot 47-5
Gloire des Rosomanes 42-7
Grace 32-7
Hansa 7-5 7-6 12-4 47-3 48-4
Harison’s Yellow 4-1 7-3 17-4 21-1
Illinois 47-4
Kaiserin des Nordens – Syn R. rugosa flore plena 13pix 13-6
Kitana 36-2
Koza 36-3
La Melusine 7-5 7-6 14-8
Lady Curzon (spelt ‘Mrs.’) 41-1
Lady Duncan 30-4 31-5
Lady Plymouth 45-4
Lord Penzance Briar 33-5
Maiden’s Blush 27-4
Manetti 42-4
Max Graf 30-4 31-5
Minisa 36-4
Mme. Charles Frederick Worth 7-5 11-pix 11-7
Mme. Georges Bruant 22-4 24-5
Mme. Plantier 7-3 22-5 47-5
Mrs. Anthony Waterer 7-5 12-5
Mrs. Mina Lindell 7-1 30-4 31-2 36-5
New Century 16-3
Okaga 36-6
Parfum de l’Hay 12-7 40pix 41-1 41-1 44-5
Persian Yellow 4-1 7-3 16-9 21-1 47-3
Pink Grootendorst 16-5
Princess Adelaide 47-5
Professor C. S. Sargent 28-4
Professor N. E. Hansen 7-5 14-8 15pix
Queen of the Prairies 29-5
R. alba - Maiden’s Blush 48-4
R. alba, Linnaeus 27-3
R. alba var. rubicunda Roessig 27-4
R. blanda (syn: Meadow Rose, Hudson’s Bay, Labrador Rose) 33-6 34-4 36-8 38-3
R. canina 42-6
R. centifolia 26-3 48-4
R. damascena 27-2
R. damascena trigintipetala 26-7
R. eglanteria 33-3
R. foetida (Austrian Yellow) 21-1
R. foetida ‘Bicolour’ (Austrian Copper) 20-3
R. foetida 6-2
R. fraxinifolia 34-12 35-1
R. gallica 14-7 36-1
R. hugonis 6-2 7-3 18-3 47-4
R. laxa 47-3
R. laxa, Lindl. 9-1 36-8
R. laxa, Retz. (syn: Semi) 8pix 8-2 8-3 9-1 36-8 43-8
R. lucida (syn: Virginia Rose, Glossy Rose) 33-7
R. lucida 33-6
R. multiflora platyphylla (Seven Sisters) 29-9
R. multiflora. Thunb. 30-5 42-7
R. nitida 30-4 33-6 33-8 34-2
R. pimpinellifolia flore luteo 19-3
R. rubiginosa L. 33-4
R. rubrifolia 32-3 47-3
R. rubrosa 32-6 32-8
R. rugosa – Japanese form 23-6
R. rugosa – Siberian form 7-3 23-6 25-2 36-7
R. rugosa 4-1 6-2 22-3pix 24-3 24-5 24-9 42-6 47-3
R. rugosa alba 25-2 47-3
R. rugosa alba-plena (spelt albo) 23-3
R. rugosa Chamissoana 24-1
R. rugosa ferox 24-1
R. rugosa Kamtchatica Ventenat. 24-2 48-4
R. rugosa Lindleyana 24-1
R. rugosa subinermis 24-1
R. rugosa Thunbergiana 24-1
R. sericea 19-1
R. setigera 29-4 30-2
R. spinosissima 6-2
R. wichuraiana 30-4 31-6
R. xanthina 6-2
Repens alba 30-4 31-4
Robert Craig 28-4
Rosa mundi 14-6
Rose Apples 36-2
Roseraie de l’Hay 7-5 12-2 47-3
Sarah Van Fleet 47-4
Schneezwerg 23-4 30-4 31-2
Semi – refer R. laxa, Retz.
Sioux Beauty 36-9 37-3
Sir Thomas Lipton 7-5 23-2 47-4
Stanwell Perpetual 48-4
Superba 29-5
Syrian Rose 27-2
Tegala 6-7 7-5 35-2 37-2
Teton Beauty 37-3
Tetonkaha 6-7 7-5 16-6 34-6 35-2 37pix 37-2 37-4 43-6 43-7 47-3 47-6 48-4
Universal Favorite 47-4
Village Maid 14-6
Yanka 39-7
Yatkan 39-8
York and Lancaster 14-6
Yuhla 39-9
Zani 39-10
Zika 40-2
Reply #2 of 6 posted 6 DEC 16 by CybeRose
Thanks for the list.

I see that he didn't list Budd's 'I.A.C.', either.

I'm just wondering whether one of Budd's Rugosa hybrids was forgotten in someone's garden, then "rediscovered" and distributed as a mystery rose 'that nobody knows' (or remembered).

It's just a guess. I'm still hoping for a picture of 'Nemo' that might point me in the right direction.

Reply #3 of 6 posted 6 DEC 16 by Margit Schowalter
Hardy Roses for South Dakota 1929 can be found on-line at:
Reply #4 of 6 posted 6 DEC 16 by CybeRose
Thanks for the link. I found it last evening, and have linked to it on my web page.
I'm always happy to have more info on Hansen.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 7 DEC 16 by Margit Schowalter

The N.E.Hansen papers are housed in the South Dakota State University Archives.

Also, here is a link to some of his other publications (not rose related) which may be interesting.

Hope this is useful.

Reply #6 of 6 posted 7 DEC 16 by CybeRose
Thanks again. I have bookmarked the links so I can refer to them ... and copy some, later.
Discussion id : 96-227
most recent 6 DEC 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 DEC 16 by CybeRose
Modern Roses 5 (1958) p. 275.
Nemo. HRg. Probably Amélie Gravereaux.
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