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Tangerine Skies glowing in the setting sun.
Uploaded 6 MAR |
May 30, 2023 in San Diego, California.
Uploaded 30 MAY 23 |
Tangerine Skies glowing in the setting sun.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 6 MAR |
From the US Plant Patent 30,588
Uploaded 17 SEP 22 |
Close up of Tangerine Skies about halfway through the bloom cycle.
Uploaded 6 MAR |
From the US Plant Patent 30,588
Uploaded 17 SEP 22 |
Close up of Tangerine Skies about halfway through the bloom cycle.
Uploaded 6 MAR |
First spring blooms from a one year old own root container grown plant. Extraordinary vivid color, I have never grown a rose in this pure brilliant orange hue! Foliage is lush, healthy, and glossy. May 2021, Albuquerque, New Mexico, zone 7B.
Uploaded 15 MAY 21 |
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