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'Bouquet d'Or' rose References
Booklet  (2009)  Page(s) 29.  
Triploid...Bouquet d'Or [Provenance: Antique Rose Emporium]
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 27.  
Not rated
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 128-129.  Includes photo(s).
‘Bouquet d’Or’ = Noisette… ses robustes sarments au feuillage sombre et luisant s’éclairent de grandes rosettes très doubles, à quartiers indécis, jaune chamoisé avivé de saumon et de cuivre. Pour bien des spécialistes, cette fleur parfaite et très odorante surclasse sa mère, ‘Gloire de Dijon’; à demi épanouie, elle est de toute beauté. Débordant de santé et gourmand d’espace, ce rosier aime chaleur et soleil. Ducher, France 1872.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 61.  
Bouquet d'Or Noisette, yellow, center coppery salmon, 1872, 'Gloire de Dijon' x Seedling; Ducher. Description.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 206.  
Bouquet d'Or Ducher 1872. Noisette. Seedling of 'Gloire de Dijon' [Thought by some, at least, to be an improvement on its parent] [Author cites several sources.]
Article (website)  (1982)  Page(s) 11.  
Bouquet d’Or (Noisette) Coppery-salmon with yellow centre.  Slightly scented. Vigorous. 1872.  (R) 10 x 6’. 
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 24.  
Bouquet d'Or Noisette. (Ducher, 1872.) R. chinensis x R. moschata... yellow, shaded coppery salmon in center. (Name belongs to this older rose.)
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 98.  
Bouquet d'Or (noisette) Ducher 1872; Gl. de Dijon X ? ; deep yellow, center copper-yellow, large, double, cup form to expanded, cluster-flowered, drooping, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, continuous bloom, autumn-bloomer, growth 7/10, climbing. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog  (1929)  Page(s) 60.  
Noisette Roses
We offer here a selection of this old and very beautiful class of Roses, mostly of climbing habit, although a few of the older bushy type are included. The flowers are usually of the much-desired yellow and coppery shades and are uniformly fragrant. Recommended to our southern friends.
Bouquet d'Or. (Ducher, 1872.) Pale yellow flowers of large size and full globular form, heavily shaded with coppery salmon in the center. Vigorous.
Another fragrant Noisette of good quality for greenhouses or southern gardens. This is a glorious Rose of lovely form and inexpressible softness of color, worthy of any under-glass garden, and ought to be in every southern collection.
Website/Catalog  (1926)  Page(s) 30.  
Repeat-blooming semi-climbers...1 1/2 to 2 1/2 m tall. Noisette Bouquet d'or (Ducher 1873). Large, coppery deep yellow, double, strong climber, floriferous.
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