'C. francofurtensis' clematis References
Magazine (1884) Page(s) 189, vol.33. Literatur. Alphons Lavallée, Président de la Société nationale d'horticulture de France, les Clématites à grandes fleurs avec 24 planches. Als zweiter Bastard ist Clematis Viticell + hakonensis, die Clematis francofurtensis der Gärten aufgeführt.
Magazine (1882) Page(s) 400. Rinz bred C. francofurtensis ...
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 268. Clematis Francfurtensis (Rinz.); bleu.
Book (1875) Page(s) 159. Clematis venosa Hortorum (C. francofurtensis Rinz) ist wahrscheinlich eine Bastardform von C. Viticella und C. patens oder, wie Prof. Koch vermuthet, von C. crispa. Sie hat dunkelviolette, flach ausgebreitete Blumen von 5-6 Centim. Durchmesser und selbst darüber, mit unbehaarten Staubgefäßen uud Griffeln, wie C. Viticella.
Translation: Clematis venosa Hortorum (C. francofurtensis Rinz) is probably a hybrid form of C. Viticella and C. patens or, as Prof. Koch suspects, of C. crispa. It has dark purple, flat spreading flowers of 5-6 centims. Diameter and even larger, with hairless stamens and styles, like C. viticella.
Book (1872) Page(s) 12. The names of M. Lemoine of Nancy, M. Rinz of Frankfort, M. Carré of Troyes, and M. Dauvesse of Orleans, are also honourably associated with the improvement of the grand summer and autumn-flowering Clematises. From M. Rinz, we obtained C. francofurtensis...
Book (1872) Page(s) 100. C. francofurtensis (Rinz). — This is one of the earlier hybrid varieties raised on the Continent, its parents being C. patens and C. Viticella cœrulea. The leaves resemble those of C. Viticella, and the sepals are smooth and flat, so that the flowers take the expanded form of the first-named parent, and are of moderate size, while they have the deep purplish-blue colour of C. Viticella. As an ornamental plant it is now superseded by better kinds.