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'Banksii Pallida plenissima' peony References
Website/Catalog  (1860)  Page(s) 26.  
Chinese Tree Pæonies. — Pæonia Moutan.
These are the most splendid and showy of all flowering shrubs, and among the most rare.
The flowers are mostly fragrant, and all are double, unless denoted otherwise.  They are perfectly hardy, and will withstand the winters of our most northern States and the Canadas.  They bloom in May, ten to fifteen days before the Chinese Herbaceous varieties.
The following twenty-one splendid varieties were originated from seeds, by Wm. R. Prince:
5. Banksii Pallida plenissima...  Very large, pale roseate, splendid, protuberant, becomes nearly white...  $3.00
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