'Friendship Forever™ Plant'n'relax®' rose References
Newsletter (Dec 2019) Page(s) 6. Includes photo(s). In 2018, the rose 'Friendship Forever' was christened during the World Rose Conventon in Copenhagen on the occasion of the World Federaton of Rose Societes' 50th anniversary. The name was chosen from many good suggestons in a competton in the World Rose News. Rosa and her husband Harley Eskelund decided that 20% of the royaltes paid by rose producers to produce the rose 'Friendship Forever' would be donated to help the WFRS promote interest in roses across the world.
Newsletter (Feb 2018) Page(s) 1. Includes photo(s). Rosa Eskelund’s beautiful golden rose - G10-334 - given to the WFRS to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Federation, to be baptized and named in Valby Park, Copenhagen by the WFRS President and all Past Presidents attending the Convention