'Logafold' rose References
Newsletter (May 2018) Page(s) 40, 41(photo). Includes photo(s). Vilhjálmur Lúðvíksson, Hardy Roses in Iceland. Jóhann Pálsson, started breeding experimentation in the early 90 ́s by controlled cross pollination between hardy species and varieties to attain new varieties adapted to the Icelandic environment. Thus emerged 'Hadda', 'Logafold', 'Hilda', 'Guðfinna', 'Drífa' and 'Fönn' and several more named varieties that now have become popular in Icelandic rose gardening. Common to all of these and more varieties is a R. rugosa background, some derived from Canadian varieties like Charles Albanel, Henry Hudson, and Prairie Dawn mixed with hardy species like Rosa pendulina, Rosa x kamtchatica, and Rosa francofurtana, 'Frankfurt' or German rugosa varieties like.'Schnee Eule' and 'Rotes Meer'. These rose varieties from Jóhann Pálsson ́s pioneering effort in Iceland have attracted some attention in the Nordic countries. The above mentioned Icelandic varieties are all included in the Nordic Collection to be inaugurated in Valby Parken at the WRC 2018 in Copenhagen.