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'LUDwisuver' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 159-945
most recent 16 JAN SHOW ALL
Initial post 12 JAN by Michael Garhart
Code name seems to imply Winter Sun (fairly sure on this part) and possibly some Veranda series (unsure about his part).
Reply #1 of 2 posted 12 JAN by Robert Neil Rippetoe
It's quite possible Taschener didn't breed it at all. This has been known to happen.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 16 JAN by Michael Garhart
Correct. I know that company distributes for Kordes, so they obviously have early access to a wide variety of Kordes breeding potentials. It is also possible there are flat-out sold rights. Nefarious things are also possible. No way for us to know.

What I do know is "they" tend to use the same parents in different or the same combinations. 'Winter Sun' is definitely one of those.
Discussion id : 118-664
most recent 10 OCT 19 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 OCT 19 by North Houston Roses
Available from - Heirloom Roses
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