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'St. Brennus' rose References
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 131-132.  
‘Brennus’/’Brutus’/’Queen Victoria’/’St Brennus’ = Hybride de Chine ou de Bourbon, les avis diffèrent… peu connu en dehors des climats privilégiés… très grosse fleur emplie de pétales ondulés… rouge cramoisi richement ombré de violet… floraison, unique, mais de très longue durée… Son nom commémore un chef gaulois dont l’armée aurait pris Rome en 329 avant JC, mais les historiens doutent qu’il soit plus qu’une légende. Laffay, France, 1830.
Book  (Mar 1999)  Page(s) 41.  
'Vae Victis' - Woe to the conquered! So proclaimed the Celtic leader Brennus after burning Rome in 390 BC. Description
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 63.  
Hybrid China (OGR), dark red, 1830, Laffay. Flowers deep red, shaded with violet.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 112.  
Brennus ('St. Brennus', 'Brutus', 'Queen Victoria')
Hybrid Bourbon
Laffay, 1830
... Light poppy... Deep carmine... Purplish crimson... brilliant crimson... vivid red... an excellent pillar plant... Finer... as a pillar rose... than as a bush... non-remontant...
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 79.  
Griffiths lists it as a Hybrid China (1830) large flowers 8 to 10 cm across coloured a rich rosy crimson, double, wavy petals
Book  (1986)  Page(s) 79.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Dec 1985)  Page(s) 326.  Includes photo(s).
1830. Origin and parentage unknown, probably a China Gallica cross. Bears little resemblance at first sight to a typical China, being more upright and less branchy. Flowers: reddish-carmine. 5' x 4'.
Article (website)  (1982)  Page(s) 11.  
Brennus (Hybrid China). Not a typical China.  Double, cupped flowers of reddish carmine on a well foliated plant. 1830. (R) 4 x 3’.
Article (misc)  (1954)  Page(s) 40.  
Brennus 28 chromosomes.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 40.  
Provins. Brennus (Laffay 30). Dark carmine, very large, double, good for pyramids.
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