'Lens Flair ®' rose Reviews & Comments
What a cute name lol.
And a marvelous looking rose! It feels very "Mutabilis-like" doesn't it?
They list it as hybrid moschata, and the foliage shape doesn't imply its not. Maybe Mutabilis is in there, too.
Perhaps, and the Velles have worked with Mutabilis, so...
#4 of 7 posted
29 MAR 20 by
Lens did too. Maybe used one of his crosses.
Hi Kim, we used Kathleen x Warm Welcome. It has the very long flower buds and dark young leaves from Warm Wishes. Best regards, Ann
Hi Ann, thank you! I appreciate your including your information. There is too little breeding information available for many newer roses and yours are some of the more imaginative out there. I hope you, Rudy and your loved ones are safe and healthy! Please remain well! Kim
I guess the answer was multiflora-noisette-tea hybrid x yellow-orange modern gives a salmon Mutabilis effect. Good to know, lol!
I used Pleasant Valley for awhile, but everything I made was culled because I couldn't shake the downy mildew out of any seedlings w/ good color. It's a total pain to breed out of many synstylae types.