Yes, they make you laugh out aloud sometimes. But most of them are not funny - just plain old mis-spellings and I have added a hidden synonym in each file for the ones that were obvious, such as B. Paul's Prince Albert fine scarlet crimson HP. Notre Dame de Fourvieres glossy pink, large and full HP. Mademoiselle Claudine d'Offay red, large, full and good HP. Madame Valembourgh bright purplish red, large, full and fine form
Here are some of those 40 From my “not yet added” list: Alba nova, Bishop’s Blush, Celenet Rougemart, Coulard, General de Lange, Leader, Liliputian, Louis Pironne, Maria Nova, Madame Andot, Madame Dubois, Madame Edward Fry, Matdoise, Princess de Havry, Tom Thumb, Violet Scented
But the one which fascinates me most of all is from the 1851 Exotic Nursery, (Australia) catalogue. 47. Mutabilis, changeable red, a capital border rose. 123. Mutabilis crimson, often with a streak of white. Perpetual . We might be able to solve this one if anybody has access to the Exotic Nursery (England) catalogues as the owner was connected.