'Early Hundred-leaved Rose' References
Book (1828) Page(s) tab 36. Includes photo(s). ROSA centifolia: Varietates. Varieties of the Hundred-leaved Rose.
SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Roses with nearly round seed-buds and peduncles hispid; stem and petioles hispid and prickly; leaves winged; leaflets ovate, and villose beneath; flowers of a purple colour; blossoms double, or crowded with petals.
These variations of the centifolia species were delineated from plants in the Hammersmith collection. The variety with the most numerous petals is called The early Italian. Wherefore it is so called, not being a native of Italy, we are at a loss to guess : in other collections it most probably bears various appellations. To reconcile the contradictory epithets by which different cultivators may designate them, would be not only difficult, but altogether useless. [Fascicle number not known]
Website/Catalog (1823) Page(s) 29. Rosa flore pleno 413 early 100 leaved
Website/Catalog (1823) Page(s) 29. Rosa flore pleno 414 early provence
Website/Catalog (1820) Page(s) 34. ROSA flore pleno 195 early 100-leaved
Website/Catalog (1814) Page(s) 10. ROSA early 100-leaved
Booklet (1809) Page(s) 405. List of roses sold by Lee & Kennedy, Nursery & Seedsmen, Hammersmith 139 Early 100 leaved
Booklet (1809) Page(s) 405. List of roses sold by Lee & Kennedy, Nursery & Seedsmen, Hammersmith 138 Early Provence