'ALTsister' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
20 JUN by
One of the absolute healthiest roses in my no-spray garden. My area is full of black spot, so it's almost miraculous for any rose to not be even mildly affected, but I don't think I've ever seen a single diseased leaf on this one. Sawflies were bad this spring, but this was barely touched. Loads of blooms that last for several days, starting with a more intense color and fading out nicely by the end. They often don't fully shatter, I just end up deadheading them once they get to a certain point. This is a lovely, very low-maintenance rose.
Initial post
5 OCT 22
* Posted by unregistered site guest: Pending HMF administrative review. *
"Variety denomination: `ALTsister`.
The new Rosa cultivar is a product of a planned breeding program conducted by the inventor, Peter Lim. The objective of the breeding program was to produce vigorous new garden hybrid tea rose varieties for ornamental commercial applications. The cross resulting in this new variety was made during May of 2014.
The seed parent is an unpatented, unnamed variety pure yellow floribunda type rose. The pollen parent is the variety Rosa `Baiprez`, U.S. Plant Pat. No. 16,408. The new variety was first selected in June 2015 by the inventor in a group of seedlings resulting from the 2014 crossing, in a nursery in Vista, Calif." -US PP34,289
Available from - Jackson & Perkins www.jacksonandperkins.com