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Zone 7a, Provo, Utah, USA, 10/20/2023
Uploaded 23 JAN 24 |
Albuquerque NM, Zone 7A, Hot and Dry, No Spray. Container grown first season plant showing continuous bloom once it got going. The majority of the blooms thus far are dominant red with white, as opposed to dominant white with red, however this could be due to the immaturity of the bush. Vigorous, healthy rose, I like it a lot!
Uploaded 2 SEP 23 |
November 2023. This rose was a BEAST this season once it settled into the 20 inch barrel container. It had continuous prolific bloom, healthy vigorous growth, and a go-go-go attitude all the way to the killing frost.
Uploaded 19 NOV 23 |
Albuquerque NM, Zone 7A, Hot and Dry, No Spray. Container grown first season plant showing continuous bloom once it got going. The majority of the blooms thus far are dominant red with white, as opposed to dominant white with red, however this could be due to the immaturity of the bush. Vigorous, healthy rose, I like it a lot!
Uploaded 2 SEP 23 |
Oct 21, 2023. Albuquerque NM Zone 7A Hot and Dry No Spray.
Uploaded 29 OCT 23 |
Albuquerque NM, Zone 7A, Hot and Dry, No Spray. Container grown first season plant showing continuous bloom once it got going. The majority of the blooms thus far are dominant red with white, as opposed to dominant white with red, however this could be due to the immaturity of the bush. Vigorous, healthy rose, I like it a lot!
Uploaded 2 SEP 23 |
Albuquerque NM, Zone 7A, Hot and Dry, No Spray.
Uploaded 1 OCT 23 |
Albuquerque NM, Zone 7A, Hot and Dry, No Spray. Container grown first season plant showing continuous bloom once it got going. The majority of the blooms thus far are dominant red with white, as opposed to dominant white with red, however this could be due to the immaturity of the bush. Vigorous, healthy rose, I like it a lot!
Uploaded 2 SEP 23 |
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