"Sempervirens Belle" rose Photos
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Sempervirens Belle” (or “Not Baltimore Belle”). At Northcliffe, W.A. November 29, 2024. Provenance: Mistydowns-> MF-> Ult-S-6. Blooms open to pale pink, fading to white. The pale pink is noticeable when one looks at the white “Lewes Kell” and ‘ Felicite Perpetue on either side.
Uploaded 2 DEC |
“Sempervirens Belle” (or “Not Baltimore Belle”). At Northcliffe, W.A. December 22, 2022. Provenance: Mistydowns-> MF-> Ult-S-6. This year with a slightly different fertiliser regime, I am seeing pink blooms. Blooms.
Uploaded 23 DEC 22 |
“Sempervirens Belle” (or “Not Baltimore Belle”). At Northcliffe, W.A. December 22, 2022. Provenance: Mistydowns-> MF-> Ult-S-6. This year with a slightly different fertiliser regime, I am seeing pink blooms. Blooms.
Uploaded 23 DEC 22 |
“Lewes Kell” with petals cupping inwards around the edges (left).
“Sempervirens Belle” came as “Not Baltimore Belle”, pale pink (centre).
‘’Felicite-Perpetue’? came as “Wakinup Pale Pink Rambler” with petals inclining outwards (right).
At Northcliffe November 16, 2020. All on their own roots and planted alongside each other.
Uploaded 24 NOV 20 |
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