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'Bronze Masterpiece' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 64-888
most recent 25 FEB 19 SHOW ALL
Initial post 8 JUN 12 by goncmg
I cannot grow Tropicana or Jadis or Diamond Jubilee, not 40 years ago, not 2 years ago, not in Ohio not in Chico, CA. I also cannot grow tulips, african violets, lily of the valley yet I had a key lime seedling bloom and fruit for me and Bronze Masterpiece and I seem to have that same, bizarrely sucessful relationship. The blooms are for sure a weird mix of star shape/ruffled and the centers do get a little confused.........there is nothing "bronze" about it it is more "apricot" but name is plant (budded) is strong, healthy, just produced single blooms on long stems.............very healthy in a year where Showbiz and Sunsprite have mildew and blackspot.............
Reply #1 of 5 posted 23 MAY 15 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Chris, what happened to your plant? I don't see you listed as growing it now. Mine is still young and I'm hoping for a good bloom this year. Last year was so hot I didn't see it happen.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 24 MAY 15 by goncmg
I think I may have told you that late last fall I cleaned a little house? Dianne---Bronze Masterpiece didn't survive that session. I know mosaic is a nuisance thing but it was inundated with it. And I realized I never saw anything I would ever call "an attractive bloom" from it. It was nailed to the cross to provide a larger pot for the Quicksilver maiden.....and I am not sorry, either. It is really sort of a dog here in Columbus and pull out those old ARS annuals and read the reviews when it was new.....always a let down......
Reply #3 of 5 posted 24 MAY 15 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
Mine has been slow so far, own root. This is the third season, so I'm hoping for something better. Thanks for sharing your experience. That will help me decide how patient I want to be with this.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 23 FEB 19 by goncmg
What happened to your Bronze Masterpiece, Dianne?
Reply #5 of 5 posted 25 FEB 19 by Dianne's Southwest Idaho Rose Garden
My Bronze Masterpiece was weak, and didn't make it. I'm not sure if my garden helper missed it and dug it up because it was so small (he did that with a few). :-(
Discussion id : 69-519
most recent 20 JAN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JAN 13 by timdufelmeier
Available from - vintage gardens
sebastapool, ca
Discussion id : 67-919
most recent 1 NOV 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 NOV 12 by timdufelmeier
Available from - vintage gardens
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