'Jojo Peach ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Its available on landscape sites in the US now, but the prices are nutty.
Looks like it's going to be sold as Flower Carpet Peach. Australian PBR has been accepted ipsearch.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr/2024/077
-edit 8/8/2024- likely not available until 2025 here in Au, asked Tesselaar and response was "our growers are currently building numbers ready for sale, so it probably will be available next year in Australia"
#1 of 1 posted
3 AUG by
Synonym and patent application added, thank you!
I believe this is PP34,372
The cultivar `NOA813219` has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary somewhat with variations in environment such as temperature, day length, and light intensity, without, however, any variance in genotype.
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined to be the unique characteristics of `NOA813219` These characteristics in combination distinguish `NOA813219` as a new and distinct Rosa cultivar: 1. Orange/pink single flowers. 2. Dense, compact habit. 3. Plants have excellent resistance to blackspot, powdery mildew, downy mildew and rust diseases. 4. Plants reflower quickly 5. Suitability for groundover purposes. 6. Unique conspicuous orange stamens. 7. Uniform growth. 8. Easy to grow.
Plants of the new cultivar `NOA813219` are similar to plants of the seed parent, in most horticultural characteristics, however, plants of the new cultivar `NOA813219` differ in the following: 1. The new variety has orange/pink flowers; the seed parent has orange flowers. 2. The new variety has a single flower; the seed parent has a double flower. 3. The new variety grows to approximately 50 cm; the seed parent grows to approximately 90 cm.
Plants of the new cultivar `NOA813219` are similar to plants of the pollen parent in most horticultural characteristics, however, plants of the new cultivar `NOA813219` differ in the following; 1. The new variety has orange/pink flowers; the pollen parent has pink flowers. 2. Plants of the new variety have very good resistance to diseases typical of garden roses; plants of the pollen parent have average resistance to the same diseases. 3. Flowers of the new variety are weakly fragrant; flowers of the pollen parent are strongly fragrant."
Noack's website lists this rose:
"Jojo® Peach D Trademark No. 302015046060 EU Trademark No. 014988323 S.-Noa813219: EU"
noack-rosen (DOT) de/produkt/jojo-peach/
I believe they are the same rose plant.
#1 of 3 posted
16 JUL 22 by
Thank you, patent and varietal code added.
It was a wild ride figuring that one out. German sites load partially or sometimes verryyyyyy slowly for me, despite my top speed internet. Kordes is probably the worst site for speed I have ever visited. Noack is pretty bad but a little better. Dont ask me why. Bulgarian and Chinese sites are just fine for me. But Germany and sometimes France can be super slow from here.
#3 of 3 posted
17 JUL 22 by
Thank you for following patents - we need all support we can get!