'Climbing Madame Welche' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 753. Welche, Climb. Mme. (cl. tea) Mellen 1911; sort of above [Mme. Welche]; climbing habit
Website/Catalog (1913) Page(s) 7. Climbing Madame Welche - A new climbing Tea Rose of great promise; a sport from Mme. Welche. The color is soft amber-yellow flushed with carmine; a glorious Rose. Price, 20 cents each; two-year plants, 50 cents.
(23 Nov 1911) Page(s) 76. [Advertisement] Two Splendid New Climbing Roses Climbing Baby Rambler (MISS MESSMAN) This is a climbing form of the well known Baby Rambler, and embraces all Its good qualities. A true ever-blooming Crimson Rambler. Climbing Mme. Welche A new ever-blooming climbing tea rose of the most promising type. Has all the valuable characteristics of Mme. Welche, from which it is an offspring. A most desirable rose for the Southland. We have a fine stock of these two excellent roses and invite correspondence for prices, etc. The Geo. H. Mellen Co. Innisfallen Greenhouses. SPRINGFIELD, OHIO Mention The Review when yoo write.