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'Emma Bridgewater ™' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 168-063
most recent 1 AUG HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 AUG by Marlorena
Already pointed out here, but for future reference, I must emphasize this is a wickedly thorny rose, viciously so, and it's high time vendors made buyers beware of this fact at time of purchase. They should be called out on this. If growing in a pot, one must take care if moving this plant around from place to place, that you do not come into contact with the multitude of thorns all down the stems.
Younger buyers may be less concerned and regard it as all part of the territory. Older buyers might treat with some caution.

On the positive side, highly floriferous, continuous and colourful blooms, varyingly scented on good days. The blooms are held on short stems, and some are not always easy to access in amongst the clusters, which is probably just as well.

This is an honest report without any of the sycophantic waffle you might find on youtube.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 1 AUG by Nastarana
It does not seem to be for sale anywhere of which HMF is aware. I might buy this one should it ever be available in North America at anything like a reasonable price. I like the red thorns, the flower color and the greenish pewter colored foliage. One of my favorite of Austin's roses was Othello. I thought the thorns made it interesting.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 1 AUG by jedmar
'Emma Bridgewater' has just been introduced at the May 2024 Chelsea show. David Austin UK now lists it.
Discussion id : 167-842
most recent 13 JUL HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 JUL by Marlorena
Apart from the variety of colours on this rose when in full bloom, it follows this trend with the variation in scent. From non-existent to light/medium tea fragrance, to strong damask, citrus and myrrh all in one. Quite a surprise and very welcome.
A thorny rose, some canes excessively so. Will probably make a large shrub in time.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 13 JUL by Nastarana
The thorns, OK, prickles, but I would call that armature thorns, are decorative. For how long do they stay red? Might this be a bush to plant where one wants to discourage trespass?
Reply #2 of 2 posted 13 JUL by Marlorena
I don't know how long they stay red for, I'll have to update on that. I would think a hedge of this rose would be a useful deterrent in some situations.. I don't think I'd plant it around my front door.
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