Initial post
28 FEB 21
* This post deleted by user *
Probably multiflora. In general, SA nurseries use Dr Huey, and WA use Fortuneana: the eastern states use multiflora. What the cheapo hardware chain uses seems to depend on its backyard growers: I bought one from them which was on R indica major, and eventually turned out to be virused.
Oopsy - replied to the wrong comment. Please ignore. Admin - the DELETE POST tab is not working for me.
#3 of 7 posted
28 FEB 21 by
#4 of 7 posted
28 FEB 21 by
#5 of 7 posted
1 MAR 21 by
I don't think Treloars is particularly consistent with rootstock. I know I've had what I assume is Dr Huey (once flowering dark red either way) sucker from from something bought 6 or 7 years ago from treloars, but have also had a multiflora sucker from sunny knock out (which I got the year treloars first started selling it).
Funny you should mention that. I once got on the phone and asked Treloars what they used. The reply was they used about half a dozen different ones, and they were all good. :D
#7 of 7 posted
2 MAR 21 by
#8 of 7 posted
2 MAR 21 by