HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Margaret Furness
'Margaret Furness'  photo
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Margaret Furness
South Australia, Australia
Gardening in zone 10, in South Australia. Not a rose expert, but someone who wanders with a camera and secateurs. My main interests in rose-growing are Teas, early HTs and local foundlings.
I edited the Heritage Roses in Australia Journal in 2011-2 and 2019-21, and 2024, and authored a booklet on Mystery Roses (Teas and Noisettes) in Australia in 2022.
Oh, and I'm allergic to re-use of rose names when the earlier cultivars are still around. And to roses being given multiple names.
As of 25th March 2021 I no longer own the Echo Ridge garden, and many roses have been removed by the new owner.
Last visit: Saturday, March 22nd

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