Margaret Furness 
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South Australia, zone 10, early autumn in severe drought. Four of the seeds sank in water.
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South Australia, zone 10, late summer. Potted plant in drought. As "Bird Children Pink". Only one seed in this hip: it sank in water, and I will plant it. Other hips on the plant were eaten by something.
Uploaded 9 days ago |
Grabbed just as it was thinking of falling. The seed sank in water, so I'll plant it, but without expectations. I note that it has no recorded descendants. South Australia, zone 10, early autumn in severe drought.
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Mt Lofty Botanic Garden, South Australia, zone 8b, in severe drought. Late summer. Hip collected some days ago. The seeds floated in water.
Uploaded 9 days ago |
South Australia, zone 9b, early autumn in severe drought. The seeds sank in water. The plant is about 2m tall, and has been a more consistent flowerer than most roses in this garden (Adelaide Hills) in these conditions.
Uploaded 2 days ago |
Stressed by severely dry year. Mid to late summer, South Australia, zone 10. As "Joan's Pantry".
Uploaded 13 days ago |
South Australia, zone 9b, early autumn in severe drought. The seeds sank in water.
Uploaded 2 days ago |
Stressed by severely dry year. Mid to late summer, South Australia, zone 10. Yes I know I should deadhead them, but I've been busy watering. In terms of competing for resources in my garden, the $2 goldfish are eating the $10 ones.
Uploaded 13 days ago |
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