One or more site guests believe this photo is incorrectly labeled or inaccurate !
Here a comment of Margaret Furness about a photo of the rose "EdmondProust": "Dunedin NZ, late spring. This what used to be called May Queen in NZ ....." That is "Edmond Proust"
Here a comment of Margaret Furness about a photo of the rose "EdmondProust": "Dunedin NZ, late spring. This what used to be called May Queen in NZ ....." That is "Edmond Proust"
See HRNZ journal of Sep 07; this is considered to be Edmond Proust.
While we are looking for access to this reference, can you supply some more detail ? Thanks.
Sorry, I wiped the email, but a scan of the article (by Lloyd Chapman) was emailed to Cass.
That works, great. Thank you.
The article 'The Strange Saga of May Queen' by Lloyd Chapman appears in the latest journal of Heritage Roses New Zealand. (Volume 28, No. 3 September 2007, p57) Editor Fiona Hyland Email:
#4 of 6 posted
28 SEP 07 by
The information and reference has been added to the NOTES section of all three roses: May Queen (Manda), May Queen (Van Fleet) and Edmond Proust. Now with the lovely picture of Edmond Proust showing the definite darker center, it should be much easier for New Zealand rosarians to distinguish their Edmond Proust's from May Queen.