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Trevor Griffiths Rose Garden
Discussion id : 57-900
most recent 13 OCT 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 OCT 11 by Tomartyr
Could I suggest that this public garden be given its full title: Trevor Griffiths Rose Garden
Reply #2 of 1 posted 13 OCT 11 by HMF Admin
Yes you may, thank you for the correction.
Discussion id : 57-863
most recent 12 OCT 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 OCT 11 by Tomartyr
An explanatory sign at Trevor Griffiths Rose Garden claims there are now 1200 roses planted. There appear to be very few double-ups. I visited on 11 October 2011 and although there wasn't a solitary rose in bloom, the garden looked an absolute picture with all the fresh spring growth and the immaculate maintenance. I took some photos which I shall post on HMF within a few days. Some of them are shots of individual plants not yet in bloom which I shall post on the individual rose variety pages.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 11 OCT 11 by jedmar
Looking forward to your photos! This gives us a chance to see this far away garden.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 12 OCT 11 by Tomartyr
I hope to revisit and take more photos in December, when the garden should be in full bloom. Even with no flowers at present, I was enthralled by the beautiful fresh, healthy growth and the variety of foliage from cultivar to cultivar. This garden was established in honour of Mr Trevor Griffiths, who was a noted heritage rosarian. Many of the roses were propagated from cuttings taken from his vast collection of heritage and David Austin roses.
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