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Alkonyat Rose Garden, Dr. Péter and Celeste Pongrácz
Discussion id : 125-858
most recent 19 FEB 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 FEB 21 by Malc

I’m looking to purchase the rose, HOR minstrel- otherwise known a Margaret Hall

Can anyone help

Many thanks

Discussion id : 102-430
most recent 10 JUL 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 JUL 17 by Eisrose
Cutting exchange??
Kind regards
Discussion id : 22-668
most recent 18 NOV 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 NOV 07 by Pongracz
Hi HMFer's,

We have several roses that we cannot find any information on, if anyone else has them and can tell us something about them we would appreciate it!
Double Perfume (possibly another name for Double Delight?)
Julia Gold (probably not Golden Julia)
Rotersen (possibly another name for Rosarium Uetersen?)
Cambridge Castle
Hickery Hill (may also be spelled as Hickory, which still has no info)

We have a rose that was sold to us as a Bossa Nova, but it is surely not, it looks more like it may be an Alinka or Animo. Can someone that owns both of these tell us what the main differences are between these two?


Celeste and Péter
Reply #1 of 3 posted 18 NOV 07 by jedmar
Hello Celeste and Péter
These have the sound of "inofficial" names used by garden centers. 'Cambridgê' by Poulsen is not part of their "Castle" series. I think you will have to post some pictures for someone to make an educated guess.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 18 NOV 07 by Cass
Hi Celeste and Péter,
You certainly like a good puzzle. I can only suggest one possible solution, and that is for Cambridge Castle. Does it look like Cambridge, the Poulsen rose that has been reinvented as Lavender Cover, aka Poulrust?

As for the others, I'm stumped. Pictures might help. Good luck.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 18 NOV 07 by RoseBlush

I just did a quick search for Alinka and clicked on the GARDENS tab. You might view the photos they have uploaded to the site to make a comparison or you might want to contact one or more of them directly if they have provided HMF with an email address. You can get to the email button by going to their garden page. HMF does not publish any email address for site members, but you can contact those that have provided the information for their garden.

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