University of Kentucky Arboretum
More roses at the UK Arboretum:
All Ablaze Altissimo Andrea Stelzer Awakening Baby Girl Balkan Star Barcelona Baronne Edmonde de Rothschild Be-Bop Becky’s Rose Belinda’s Dream Belmont Red Blastoff Brass Band Break o’ Day Burbank (Santa Rosa) Cafe Cajun Spice Cardinal Hume Careless Love Charlotte Anne Charlotte Armstrong Chess Cinderella Classic Beauty Classic Touch Colossus Dainty Bess Daniel Boone Devoniensis Diamond Jubilee Elisio Ellen Willmott Eutin Firefighter Flower Girl Fragrant Charm Fragrant Memory Freckles Fred Loads Gizmo Gold Badge, Cl. Golden Garnette Golden Masterpiece Gourmet Popcorn Grand Gala Hawaii Hisami Honey Chile Hot Cocoa Hotel California Ink Spots International Herald Tribune Irish Elegance Irish Fireflame Jeanne Lajoie Jema Jilly Jewel Joan Bell Joseph’s Coat Josh Judith Ann Karl Herbst Katharina Zeimet Kentucky Derby Kirsten Poulsen Lady of the Dawn Lemon Sherbert Liebeszauber Lily Pons Lime Sublime Little Buckaroo Midas Touch Mirandy Miss Behavin’ Mme Butterfly Moody Dream Moonsprite Morden Amorette Morden Sunrise Mount Shasta Mrs Oakley Fisher Mrs William G Koning My Kim Mystic Nana Moskouri Nevada Old Glory Orange Impressionist Orange Sunblaze Orangeade Pacific Serenade Paloma Blanca Paul Shirville Permanent Wave Playfair Prairie Breeze Prairie Flower Prairie Star Prairie Valor Prima Donna Purple Passion Queen Elizabeth Quietness Rambo Raspberry Punch Red Lion Red Radiance Rejoice Rembrandt Royal Amethyst Rubaiyat Salet Salsa September Morn Showtime Signature Smooth Lady Snowline Soeur Therese Soroptimist Intl Special Merit Starfire Stokes Strawberry Ice Sunbonnet Sue Sunbright? Sunset Celebration Sunshine Girl Sweet Chariot Sweet Diana Sweet Dream Tiara Tournament of Roses Tropical Sunset Tropicana Valentine Vesuvius Wedded Bliss Whisper White American Beauty White Killarney Yellow Splash Zitronenfalter
#1 of 3 posted
17 SEP 10 by
Thanks. Some of the names are not unique to a single cultivar. Where an educated guess resolves the issue, a name has been added; otherwise, the name has been omitted.
#2 of 3 posted
21 SEP 10 by
Whisper and Vesuvius are both HTs. The plants labeled Sunbright and Elisio are obviously something else.
#3 of 3 posted
21 SEP 10 by
I photographed the following varieties at the UK Arboretum:
Anda Antoine Rivoire Betty Prior, Cl. Betty Uprichard Blue Violet Cadenza Candelabra Captain Christy Charles Aznavour Colette Clemente Condesa de Sastago Contrast Conundrum Curly Pink Frances Dubreuil George Burns Glad Tidings Golden Unicorn Green Ice Greensleeves Hadley Happy Ideal Imperatrice Farrah Jean Bach Sisley Judy Garland Kathleen Little Buckaroo Marco Polo Marguerite Hilling Mignonette Mister Bluebird Mme Berkeley Montezuma Nashville Nigrette Orange Garnet Pixie Hat Pollonaise Precious Dream Queen o’ the Lakes Rapture Raven Red Wand Sweet Fragrance Sweet Inspiration Tom Thumb Zenaita
#1 of 2 posted
8 SEP 10 by
Thank you very much! We have updated the listing. This information is very appreciated.
And will you be able to share all these photos with us ?