215 plants
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— A —
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAgatha Incarnata
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAlba Semi-plena
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAlba Suaveolens
A,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAlfred Colomb (hybrid perpetual, Lacharme, 1865)
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAlfred de Dalmas
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VAloha (cl. hybrid tea, Boerner before 1949)
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAmélia (alba, Vibert, 1823)
A,C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAmerican Pillar
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAnaïs Ségalas (Centifolia, Vibert, 1837)
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAnne of Geierstein
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VApplejack (shrub, Buck, 1962/73)
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VArdoisée de Lyon
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAssemblage des Beautés
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAutumn Damask
— B —
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBaronne Prévost (Hybrid Perpetual, Desprez, 1841)
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBelinda's Dream (Shrub, Basye, 1988)
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBella Donna (damask, by 1840)
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,V"Belle Amour"
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBelle de Crécy (Gallica, Roeser, 1829)
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