144 plants
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— A —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAbraham Darby
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAlec's Red® (hybrid tea, Cocker, 1970)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VAloha (cl. hybrid tea, Boerner before 1949)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VAmbridge Rose ®
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAmerica (large flowered climber, Warriner, 1976)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VAngel Face (floribunda, Swim & Weeks 1968)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,VApricot Candy ™
A,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VApril Moon (shrub, Buck 1984)
— B —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VBarbra Streisand ®
A,C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBaronne de Rothschild ® (hybrid tea, Meilland, 1959/69)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBenjamin Britten
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBewitched (hybrid tea, Lammerts, 1967)
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBig Purple
C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VBishop's Castle
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VBlue Girl (hybrid tea, Kordes, 1964)
A,C,E,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,VBolero ™ (floribunda, Mouchotte/Meilland, 2004)
C,F,G,L,N,O,P,R,U,VBraveheart ™ (shrub, Clements, 1998)
C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VBronze Star ™ (hybrid tea, Weeks, 2000)
— C —
A,C,E,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,U,VCamelot (grandiflora, Swim & Weeks, 1964)
C,F,G,J,L,N,O,P,R,T,U,VCécile Brunner, Cl. (cl. polyantha, Hosp, 1894)
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