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Roseraie du Val-de-Marne à l'Haÿ-les-roses
'Roseraie du Val-de-Marne à l'Haÿ-les-roses'  photo
Photo courtesy of AmiRoses
Rose, peony and clematis (public) Garden  

Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
Rue A. Watel
L'Haÿ-les-Roses, Val-de-Marne 94240
(33)  [Information]
Established 1894-1900 by Jules Gravereaux. The catalogue of 1902 contained 4689 dwarf vareties, 781 climbers and 969 botanical species. After Gravereaux's death in 1916, his wife and children continued to maintain the rosary, but eventually in 1937 had to sell the premises for 6 million Francs to the Departement de la Seine. Further financial difficulties during World War II resulted in the loss of more plants. In 1950, the park had about 5000 varieties and 200 botanical roses.

Annual opening:
According to the blooming season, from mid-May to mid-September,
from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

My friend Jean-Renaud writes that there are other times of the year when it is a sight to behold. In early March, for example, when it is all trimmed and the buds are just starting to sprout !! What a sight. Almost as breathtaking as when in full bloom. Indeed, it is closed at that time, but if you are a member of the association, there are possibilities...

The Association, "Les Amis de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne", was formed to express the interests of the rose and its historical significance at l'Haÿ-les-Roses. The Association is made up of amateurs, growers, hybridizers, collectors, and scientists at the international level. Members study, preserve, popularize and support the roses and the art of the garden, as well as its future extension at Vitry-sur-Seine.

To become a member of the association "Les Amis de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne" please contact:
Les Amis de la Roseraie du Val-de-Marne
Rue Albert Watel
94240 l'Haÿ-les-Roses

Access by automobile: 8 km south of Paris
- Porte d'Orléans, then RN 20
- A 86, then RN 126
- follow the signs for L'Haÿ-les-Roses, then for Roseraie du Val-de-Marne

Public Transport:
- RER line B to Bourg-la-Reine, then bus n° 192/172
- Porte d'Italie metro station, then bus n° 186/184
(on public holidays n° 286)

Entrance fee: Standard - 3.0 Euro Groups and children - 1.5 Euro

[Photo courtesy of William Grant.

[From Les Amis des Roses, 1. trimester 1951, p. 15:] Gravereaux ....mourut pendant la première guerre mondiale, en 1916....Pendant les années qui suivirent, Mme GRAVEREAUX et ses enfants s'attachèrent à maintenir l'oeuvre du disparu, mais l'entretien se révélait particulièrement onéreux ; c'est alors qu'en 1937 ils durent se résigner à céder ce domaine au département de la Seine, pour la somme de 6.000.000 frs. La guerre qui survint à nouveau peu de temps après et les difficultés financières n'ont pas encore permis au Département de la Seine de restaurer le parc dont l'entretien est resté sommaire, mais la roseraie a été immédiatement reconstituée afin de sauvegarder les plantes de collection qui subsistaient encore, et aujourd'hui, elle renferme environ 25.000 pieds de rosiers en 5.000 variétés différentes et 200 rosiers botaniques divers.

[From The Quest for the Rose, by Phillips & Rix, p. 91:] photograph of The Old Rose Garden; p. 99: a view of trained roses
This garden received the World Federation of Roses Garden Award in June 1995.
[From Roses: Old Roses and Species Roses, by Eleonore Cruse, p. 11:] Some of the species roses [growing there] are one hundred years old.]
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