Please help! We are desperately searching for one of these Ralph Moore miniature “Pink Poodle” roses, either to purchase a plant or cutting. This rose has extremely sentimental significance to my wife and a loved one lost and I’m trying to help her replace this little rose.
If you have any this rose in your garden and we can arrange to purchase a cutting, or if you know any possible leads on purchasing one of these, please, please let me know.
We’re in Houston — please let me know if you can help.
Thank you!
- Darren
I am trying to locate a Whisky Mac TANky variety but none of the listed nursuries are comming up with anything. Do you have and resources for this rose? We had to leave our behind in Florida.
Sorry - I didn't reply sooner. I rarely come on HMF anymore. I still garden. Heirloom Roses, Inc. looks like your best bet in the USA Sold as 'Whisky'. If they do not have it in stock , you might have them prop it for you, but It would likely cost more money. Best of luck. Andrew Grover
I did try them with no luck. However anonter HMF member did replie after finding one on EBay through an off chance random search. I never thought of checking that way for a rare rose but I got it. Thanks for your help.
Initial post
22 OCT 06 by
Unregistered Guest
This is my garden . I have about 300 roses but I cant log in to update it =( any questions just ask
You are unable to log into this garden because you have multiple HelpMeFind registrations and this garden is linked to your old one. We have made the necessary corrections for you and you should be able make changes and additions now. Please consider keeping a HMF garden journal (see the journal tab) and uploading some photos from your garden.
Thanks for writing.