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North Central Florida Heritage Roses Group
Discussion id : 99-984
most recent 25 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 24 MAY 17 by John P
Hi There,

My name is John, I'm searching for a Cleopatra Rose. It's reddish pink in color with white accents. I've called around 50 growers and had to luck finding one.

We lost our cat, Fuzz Face, whom we often called Fuzzopatra. We're hoping to bury her ashes with a Cleopatra rose as a tribute.

Do any of you have a Cleopatra rose in your garden? If not, do you know anyone who might?

I thank you for any of your time and efforts with this. Have a great day!
Reply #1 of 4 posted 25 MAY 17 by Angel Gardens
sorry I do not grow this rose nor do I know who does.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 25 MAY 17 by John P
Thank you Angel Gardens
Reply #2 of 4 posted 25 MAY 17 by jedmar
If you check the gardens tab of 'Kleopatra' by Kordes, you will find several gardens in California.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 25 MAY 17 by John P
I'll take a look Jedmar. Thank you for the info, it's very helpful! :)
Discussion id : 99-889
most recent 23 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 23 MAY 17 by John P
Hi There,

My name is John, I'm searching for a Cleopatra Rose. It's reddish pink in color with white accents. I've called around 50 growers and had to luck finding one.

We lost our cat, Fuzz Face, whom we often called Fuzzopatra. We're hoping to bury her ashes with a Cleopatra rose as a tribute.

Do you have a Cleopatra rose in your garden? If not, do you know anyone who might?

I thank you for any of your time and efforts with this. Have a great day!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 23 MAY 17 by Angel Gardens
Sorry, I do not grow this rose, nor do I know anyone who does. Good Luck, Pam
Discussion id : 97-528
most recent 9 MAY 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 FEB 17 by John P
Hi There,

My name is John, I'm searching for a Cleopatra Rose. It's reddish pink in color with white accents. I've called around 50 growers and had to luck finding one.

We just lost our cat, Fuzz Face, whom we often called Fuzzopatra. We're hoping to bury her ashes with a Cleopatra rose as a tribute.

Do you have a Cleopatra rose in your garden? If not, do you know anyone who might?

I thank you for any of your time and efforts with this. Have a great day!
Reply #1 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by Jay-Jay
This might narrow Your search:
These members might know, where You could buy a Cleopatra. Or might have cuttings.
OOps, I didn't see, You already asked them.
Reply #2 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by Give me caffeine
I'm not even sure which Cleopatra he wants. There are several of them.
Reply #4 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by Jay-Jay
Just one available in the USA.
Reply #5 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by John P
Hi Give me caffeine,
Thank you for responding. The one I keep finding is pinkish red with a yellow/white-ish middle. So far no one has it. There's a garden called Cliff's High Desert Garden that has posted photos of one. I'm hoping they respond! :)
Reply #3 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by John P
Thank you for respondingJay Jay. I really appreciate it. This morning I messaged all of the gardens on your list. It's nice to see you came up with the same places. :)
Reply #6 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by Jay-Jay
Try this-one:
Reply #7 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by Jay-Jay
Or this-one:
Reply #8 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by John P
Hi Jay jay,

I'll try emailing both sites you suggested. The problem is you can't have plants for planting imported from other countries. Perhaps I can get seeds from them or find another source. Thank you so much for your help. If you find anymore possibilities please let me know. Have a great day! :)
Reply #9 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by Give me caffeine
Have you tried Hortico in Canada? No import restrictions there, and they ship to the US.
Reply #11 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by John P
Hi again Give me caffeine,

Thank you for the suggestion. I'll give them a try. It could be the answer. Thank you so much!!
Reply #10 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by Jay-Jay
Ashwood was a mistake (UK) I saw their prices in $.
But importing from Canada is difficult too for an USA citizen? And Palatine sends to the USA.
Reply #12 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by John P
Jay Jay,

I'm going to look into the possibility of importing something from Canada. It's a great question.
Reply #13 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by HMF Admin

Queries like this should be posted once to the comments tab of the rose in question. As such, you will be addressing the entire HMF community without the need to single out specific nurseries or individuals. Thank you and good luck.
Reply #14 of 21 posted 13 FEB 17 by John P
Will do! I'm still getting the hang of this website! Thank you!
Reply #15 of 21 posted 14 FEB 17 by Margaret Furness
A passing comment; seeds won't give you what you want - hybridised roses can't be guaranteed to breed true.
Reply #16 of 21 posted 14 FEB 17 by Angel Gardens
I can ask Cliff of Eurodesert roses for you to see if he has it and then he can send me cuttings and I can grow it for you. Pam from Angel Gardens
Reply #17 of 21 posted 14 FEB 17 by John P
Hi Angel Gardens, Thank you for responding. Is Cliff still out there? That would be great if he is and has the Cleopatra rose! Please let me know what you find out. If he's in the Palm Desert I'm about 2 hours away and could go to him. Thank You! :)
Reply #18 of 21 posted 16 FEB 17 by jmile
Hi Pam from Angel Gardens---This is Jan Miles- I have Kleopatra and can send cuttings if John wants me to.
Reply #19 of 21 posted 17 FEB 17 by Angel Gardens
That would be fine with me. my address is PO Box 1106, Alachua, Fl. 32616. Is that good with you John? I can grow it and send you rooted plants. Let me know if you send them Jan. Thank you! Pam

I will also ask Cliff if heĀ“has it as well.
Reply #20 of 21 posted 20 FEB 17 by John P
Hi Angel Gardens,
I'm waiting to hear back from jmile about getting cuttings of Kleopatra from her which I can grow here in Southern California. Please let me know if you hear anything from Cliff as well. Thank you so very much for your help, it's deeply appreciated! :)
Reply #21 of 21 posted 9 MAY 17 by John P
Ji Jan, I sent a few private messages to you in regards to your Cleopatra rose cuttings. Please take a look and let me know your thoughts when you have a chance. Thank you! :)
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