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Mendocino Rose Society
Discussion id : 100-076
most recent 25 MAY 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 MAY 17 by John P
Hi There,

My name is John, I'm searching for a Cleopatra Rose. It's reddish pink in color with white accents. I've called around 50 growers and had to luck finding one.

We lost our cat, Fuzz Face, whom we often called Fuzzopatra. We're hoping to bury her ashes with a Cleopatra rose as a tribute.

Do any of you have a Cleopatra rose in your garden? If not, do you know anyone who might?

I thank you for any of your time and efforts with this. Have a great day!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 MAY 17 by Pamela Temple
Hi John,

I did see that Heirloom Roses in Oregon and Hortico of Canada may have it. They are selling Cleopatra under a different name, Peace of Vereeniging. Seems odd! If you found it though you could re label it Cleopatra.
Good Luck,
PS I understand about kitties . I have two roses that I raised myself, Madame Zazu and Jenny that I named for my kitties.
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