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Shepherd, T. W.

Website/Catalog published 1851.

Thomas Shepherd (c 1779-1835) established the first commercial nursery in Australia near Grose Farm named the Darling Nursery to honour his patron, Govenor Darling. He was later joined in the business by his sons:
Thomas William Shepherd (1824-1884) who was responsible for the firm’s 1851 catalogue;
David Shepherd (1826-1911) and
Patrick Lindesay Crawford Shepherd (1831-1903)

The Darling Nursery gradually expanded with the help of stock from the Sydney Botanical Garden, as well as from Alexander McLeay at Elizabeth Bay House and William MacArthur at Camden Park.

Shepherd’s 1851 introductions have been added from the listing published by A. S. Thomas in his 1983 book Growing Roses page 105.

See The Oxford Companion to Australian Gardens 2002, page 548 for more on this nursery.

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