"Lijiang Road Climber" rose Reviews & Comments
"Lijiang Road Climber" reminds me of a big brother to 'Comtesse de Labarthe' but with larger blooms and less petals. The pink stamens are delightful. Co-incidentally I have planted 'Comtesse de Labarthe Cl.' within a few metres of it in this new long garden bed but it will take a few years to make a picture. At the moment "Lijiang Road Climber" is just a faint pink blob beyond the white posts at about 4 o'clock.
Where did you get yours, Patricia? The nursery listing doesn't mention any Australian sources.
My photos list the provenance. It was apparently the form collected by Neil Mitchell and Bob Cherry. Want some? It is a biggun.
It tries to eat passers-by on tractors in the HRIAI Collection in Renmark. Strikes readily from cuttings. You need to check your state's quarantine laws - some will let cuttings from Patricia in, because she's more than 50km from Perth and the dreaded green snails. If they won't, cuttings can be organised from SA.
"It tries to eat passers-by on tractors..."
Well, roses are heavy feeders. You can't blame it for trying. The poor thing just wants a few snacks.
Not sure I want some at the moment. Was mostly just curious. Looks good though.
(New bod from Canada was asking about peach-scented roses. This one popped up in a search.)