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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Canadian Hybrid Roses
(Dec 2008)  
Canadian Hybrid Roses, a compilation of data from a variety of sources. (Elliott)
[( ‘Queen Elizabeth’ x ‘Arthur Bell’) x (R. kordesii x D24 open pollination D24 from 2 cycles of open pollination from {‘Red Pinocchio’, ‘Joanna Hill’ and R spinosissima altaica})] [Dr. Felicitas Svejda];
MR12 has [(('Queen Elizabeth' x 'Arthur Bell') x (R. kordesii x seedling)) x 'Red Pinocchio' x ('Joanna Hill' x Rosa spinosissima altaica))]
(Dec 2008)  
R. rugosa x R. acicularis or ( R. rugosa x R. acicularis) x R. spinosissima or R. rugosa x R. blanda(?)
(Dec 2008)  
{(( Queen Elizabeth x Arthur Bell) x (Double Red Simonet x Von Scharnhorst)) x Felix Leclerc} [Svejda];

MR12 has [(('Queen Elizabeth' x 'Arthur Bell') x ('Simonet Red' x Von Scharnhorst')) x ((R. kordesii x ('Red Dawn' x 'Suzanne') x ('Red Dawn' x 'Suzanne')))]
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