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The Rose Amateur's Guide, 2d ed., 1840
(1840)  Page(s) 51.  
Hybrid Chinas....As with French roses, the new varieties of this family are too numerous for detailed descriptions, but Comtesse de Lacepede, and Adalila ought not to be passed over; they are all of the most perfect shape and delicate pale blush
(1840)  Page(s) 149.  
Ariel is a fine and vigorous growing rose, blooming in immense corymbs; its flowers are of the most delicate blush, tinged with buff: this is a distinct and pretty variety.
(1840)  Page(s) 61.  
The Summer Rose Garden.
The Damask Rose (Rosa damascena.)
Some pretty and interesting varieties have lately been added to these favourites of the poets.  [...]
Adonis, as a pretty pale blush or rosy white variety, is quite worth cultivation.
(1840)  Page(s) 179.  
An Alphabetical list of Show or Prize Roses, all of which have large and very double flowers...
(1840)  Page(s) 149.  
Among the varieties most deserving of notice is Aimée Vibert, or "Rosa nivea", a seedling from the Rosa sempervivens plena, which it resembles, but much surpasses its parent in the valuable quality of autumnal blooming. Nothing can be prettier than a large plant of Aimée Vibert Noisette, covered with its snow-white flowers, in September and October.
(1840)  Page(s) 141.  
The Autumnal Rose Garden.
The Tea-Scented Chinese Rose.
(Rosa Indica odorata.)
Belle Allemande may be described as a creamy fawn-coloured rose. The blending of the colours in these roses is difficult to describe; this is also a magnificent rose, and apparently very hardy and robust. Anteros or Antherose is also a new rose of this range of colour, but often much paler than Belle Allemande, depending on climate and situation; it may generally be calculated that Tea Roses are less vivid in our moist climate than in France.
(1840)  Page(s) 153.  
Madame Laffay was raised from seed by Monsieur Laffay, and sold at a high price; but its habit is so delicate, and its flowers so small, that it has not pleased the generality of amateurs.
(1840)  Page(s) 145.  
Archiduchesse Thérèse and Duchesse de Cazes, planted with Bride of Abydos, would give pure white Tea roses...
(1840)  Page(s) 119.  
Augustine Lelieur is a charming rose, a true Bourbon, so vivid and so beautiful that it cannot be too much recommended: its flowers are very erect, and bell-shaped, and as fine in October as in June.
(1840)  Page(s) 146.  
Bèlisaire, which is a hybrid, approaching very near to the China rose, should be planted with William Wallace, as fine and large crimson Tea roses are still wanting.
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