Phylogenetic Relationships in the Genus Rosa
Initial post
12 DEC 10 by
Don H
Phylogenetic Relationships in the Genus Rosa presents data that supports the maternal parent of 'R x centifolia' a being R.gallica:
"The chloroplast genome of R. gallica and R. x centifolia for the markers examined is identical".
It also eliminated R. gallica as being the maternal parent of R. x alba and shows that it could be R. corymbifera, R. leschenaultii, R. moschata or R. orientalis:
"...the position of R. x alba (sect. Rosa), the White Rose of York, would suggest that its disputed origin, whether from a cross between R. gallica and R. arvensis or R. corymbifera, or even a cross between R. canina and R. 3 damescena, can at least eliminate R. gallica as the maternal species of the cross. In this analysis, R. 3 alba shared identical chloroplast genomes to R. corymbifera, R. leschenaultii, R. moschata, and R. orientalis."