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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Roses For Amateurs: A Practical Guide For the Selection and Cultivation of The Best Roses For Exhibition or Garden Decoration, Third Ed.
(1908)  Page(s) 71.  
Anna Olivier (Duchedr, 1872) Pale buff, flushed with rose. A distinct and beautiful Rose, very constant bloomer, but varies somewhat in colour.
(1908)  Page(s) 75.  
Edith D'Ombrain (A. Dickson and Sons, 1902).- White, with a pink tinge; large, full, imbricated flower; robust.
(1908)  Page(s) 75.  
Varieties for Decoration and Exhibition.
Florence Pemberton (Alex. Dickson and Sons, 1902). — Creamy- white, with pink edges.
(1908)  Page(s) 75.  
Grande Duchesse Vicrtoria Melita (Lambert, 1897).- Creamy-white, with light yellow centre; vigorous.
(1908)  Page(s) 75.  
Kaiserin Augusta Victoria (Lambert and Reiter, 1891).- Cream...
(1908)  Page(s) 71.  
Lady Roberts (F. Cant and Co., 1902) Deep apricot, with base coppery red and edges shaded orange; a vigorous sport from ANNA OLIVIER.
(1908)  Page(s) 70.  
Varieties for Decoration and Exhibition.
Hybrid Perpetuals.
Suzanne Marie Rodocanachi (Leveque, 1883).—Soft rosy-cerise; very vigorous, and retains its colour when cut.
(1908)  Page(s) 55, 73.  
p. 55 [roses under glass] Mrs. E. Mawley.- Pink, with salmon suffusions, shell-like petals, high-pointed centre; very fragrant, and quite in the front rank of Teas.
p. 73 Mrs. Edward Mawley (A. Dickson and Sons, 1899).-Pink, tinted carmine; well-formed flowers of good substance; high pointed centre, shell-petalled.
(1908)  Page(s) 73.  
Souvenir d'Elise Vardon (Marest, 1854) Creamy white, with yellowish-rose centre; very large and globular; foliage copper-coloured.
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