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Roses For English Gardens, 1902 ed.
(1902)  Page(s) 272.  
Antoine Rivoire is the Rose that has made a mark lately, both in the garden and in the grower's ground. Its beauty and fresh pink and white colouring (white in December), and its fine vigorous stems crowned with bold upright flowers, have at once raised it to high favour. It looks as if it were a cross between Captain Christy and some old Tea like Rubens, and is better than either.
(1902)  Page(s) 59.  
Some of the Best Old Garden Roses...Climbing Cluster Roses; known as Ayrshire, Hybrids of sempervirens, Musk, &c.....
Bennett's Seedling; white.
(1902)  Page(s) 164, 169.  
Everything that has been said of the Garland Rose, as to its use as a fountain Rose or free climber, may also be said of Dundee Rambler, Bennett's Seedling, Félicité-Perpétue, and others of the cluster Roses classed as Ayrshires. They are all worthy of use in these ways, and of being encouraged to clamber into trees and hedges. One cannot help observing how the support of a tree encourages almost abnormal growth.
(1902)  Page(s) 377.  
List of the Best Roses...Climbing varieties...
Bennett's Seedling or Thoresbyana (Ayrshire).- White; one of the very best and hardiest summer-flowering climbing Roses. Blooms in clusters. (S.) [Summer-flowering]
(1902)  Page(s) 37.  
In the section on Rose Pillars: "This is an excellent way of growing that beautiful old Rose Blairii No. 2. For full fifty years this fine thing has been with us, and in its own way there is as yet nothing better....Its dainty pink colouring, deepening to the centre, gives it a rare charm, and recalls the loveliness of a looser Rose, the Blusy Boursault...
(1902)  Page(s) 16.  
Lovelier still [than Maiden's Blush] is the less double Celeste, a Rose of wonderful beauty when the bud is half opened. When once known the albas may be recognised, even out of flower, by the bluish colouring and general look of the very broad leafleted leaves. The blue colouring is accentuated in Celeste, and is a charming accompaniment to the rosy tinting of the heart of the opening flower.
(1902)  Page(s) 18.  
Coupe d'Hébé, a pretty and sweet Rose of a good full pink colour, is of uncertain origin; it makes a capital pillar Rose.
(1902)  Page(s) 269-70.  
Riviera Garden Roses
We all know the brilliant little China Rose Cramoisi Supérieur, but somehow I never saw in English gardens a good specimen of its variety or seedling Cramoisi Grimpant, and this latter is next in importance among climbing red Roses, for it will climb to fully twenty feet high, and cover itself with its rich crimson flowers all the winter through if only there be no frost. For hedges and pillars this is most decorative when it contrasts with the Banksian or Lamarque Roses, and forms a splendidly toned background to all light-coloured Roses.
R. La Grifferaie, which we seem only to know as a stock for other Roses, is a very brilliant and luxuriant climber in late spring, intensely bright pink in its clusters. The growth and foliage of this Rose are prodigious, and it requires a large space to do itself justice; were it perpetual it would rank as one of the best.

From the Penguin 1983 reprint of Roses for English Gardens, p83
(1902)  Page(s) 270.  
Dr. Rouges is the most intensely brilliant shade of orane-red that I know, and when fully proved it will be invaluable as a climber when its winter blooming is established. The rich claret-red shoots in January are almost as brilliant as any flower could be.
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